ClouDNS: Dynamic DNS configuration with Synology

How does Synology DDNS work? : synology DDNS is just a DNS service outside of a dynamically assigned network. A client runs on the NAS to determine its external IP address and that address is reported to the service (Synology in this case). You setup a host name (FQDN) associated to your account and the service takes care of translating the FQDN to the IP address. Synology's own DDNS Service Info & Protocols ? | Das Synology DDNS can only be used by synologys own service tool. If you want to use DDNS updater 2 i suggest you choose anothe dynDNS provider. Expand signature. Synology Tech Support | Feature request Site 0: DS1812+ 3GB 6.2.2-U4 | 2*3/6*6TB WD Red (SHR-1 + Basic) | DS415+ 8GB 6.2.3 | je 2*10TB Ironwolf/WD Red (Basic)

Apr 14, 2016

Since writing Updating Namecheap DDNS from CentOS 7, I had the desire to rewrite parts of my DDNS update script, making it compatible with Synology DSM 6.Synology's DSM does have a built-in DDNS update client, but it is not currently compatible with Namecheap. This script should still work on most versions of Linux and macOS. Tutorial: setup a DDNS in DSM - Tutorials and Guides Nov 28, 2017 GitHub - dvershinin/cloudflareddns: DDNS with Cloudflare

Apr 21, 2016

How does Synology DDNS work? : synology DDNS is just a DNS service outside of a dynamically assigned network. A client runs on the NAS to determine its external IP address and that address is reported to the service (Synology in this case). You setup a host name (FQDN) associated to your account and the service takes care of translating the FQDN to the IP address. Synology's own DDNS Service Info & Protocols ? | Das