ssh能ping通,但是连接不上? - 知乎

2018-2-18 · ping 工作在OSI模型的第三层,网络层。 主要用于测试到达目的主机的网络是否 连接,不能检测某个端口是否开放。 ping使用 ICMP 协议,不使用某个特定端口。 也可以 ping 域名 ,这样可以直接看出这个域名对应的ip ssh与telnet较为类似,都是 远程登录 工具。 linux可以ping通但是无法ssh登陆的问题 | 哈迪斯的 … 2018-8-6 · 今天在公司遇到一个奇怪的问题,耗费了大半天才解决。特此总结记录一下解决思路与方法,以便后续能为更快定位类似的问题。 问题现象:无法登陆公司小网中的一台虚拟机,该虚拟机有两张网卡,分别配有两个网段的IP。其中一个网段的IP可以ping通,但是无法ssh登陆,显示ssh: connect to … ssh能ping通,但是连接不上? - 知乎

2018-12-28 · 好不容易安装好了OpenStack,发现无法ping通instance,无法ssh到instance: 最后折腾了半天发现是security group的问题: Neutron 默认的安全组规则会禁止掉所有从外面访问 instance 的流量。 本节我们会修改安全组的配置,允许 ping 和 ssh instance。 1.

Jun 22, 2014 · hi , i cannot ssh to a server , i have restarted the ssh instances also. and i cannot ping to the server.. any ideas ..plz (5 Replies) Discussion started by: jegaraman 5 Replies Aug 15, 2018 · The Ping command is available from within the Command Prompt in Windows 7/8/10, Windows Vista, Windows XP and all of the Linux operating systems. You can follow below steps to ping to IPV6 addresses from your Windows machine. Step 1: Open the Command prompt of your Windows machine as described in one of the previous steps It looks like you're running it on your laptop, in which case is your laptop's ip address, and you are trying to ssh to yourself. You need to know the ip address of the Pi, and ssh to that. It doesn't really explain why the ping changes when the cable is disconnected though, so this may be a red herring. Mar 30, 2020 · Attempts to ping the host also failed. Was able to login to the ESXi host DCUI however, so inspected and restarted the Management Network which hadn't changed. Test of the Management Network failed for all items inclusive of gateway, DNS, the redundant DNS server on another ESXi host and . ESXi shell and SSH were enabled but both failed with

The ping command appeared in 4.3BSD. The version described here is its descendant specific to Linux. Security. ping requires CAP_NET_RAWIO capability to be executed. It may be used as set-uid root. Availability. ping is part of iputils package and the latest versions are available in source form at

2018-2-18 · ping 工作在OSI模型的第三层,网络层。 主要用于测试到达目的主机的网络是否 连接,不能检测某个端口是否开放。 ping使用 ICMP 协议,不使用某个特定端口。 也可以 ping 域名 ,这样可以直接看出这个域名对应的ip ssh与telnet较为类似,都是 远程登录 工具。 linux可以ping通但是无法ssh登陆的问题 | 哈迪斯的 … 2018-8-6 · 今天在公司遇到一个奇怪的问题,耗费了大半天才解决。特此总结记录一下解决思路与方法,以便后续能为更快定位类似的问题。 问题现象:无法登陆公司小网中的一台虚拟机,该虚拟机有两张网卡,分别配有两个网段的IP。其中一个网段的IP可以ping通,但是无法ssh登陆,显示ssh: connect to … ssh能ping通,但是连接不上? - 知乎