2020-7-13 · Ende 2009 berichtete ich bereits, dass Google einen öffentlichen DNS-Service anbietet. Dieser ist unter den IP-Adressen „“ und „“ erreichbar. Darüber können auch AAAA Resource Records, d.h. IPv6-Adressen, aufgelöst werden. Allerdings waren die DNS-Server …

1997-7-1 · DNS(Domain Name Server,域名服务器)是进行域名(domain name)和与之相对应的IP地址 (IP address)转换的服务器。DNS中保存了一张域名(domain name)和与之相对应的IP地址 (IP address)的表,以解析消息的域名。 域名是Internet上某一台计算机 What is DNS? | Everything you should know & the best DNS 2019-4-29 · Unlike the other corporate DNS revolvers listed here, each OpenNIC DNS server has its own IP address which must be configured individually. The logging policy, whether a server supports DNSCrypt (many do), and whether a server performs any form of DNS blocking (e.g. spam and phishing protection) is also up to the volunteers who run it. What is Google DNS IP & How To Set Up DNS Server?

To find IPv6 IP addresses for a device: Open the Google Wifi app . Tap Network Devices. Select the device that you want, then tap the Details tab. Custom IPv6 DNS server You can set a custom IPv6 DNS server in the Google Wifi app. Google Nest Wifi and Google Wifi feature behaviour with IPv6 IPv6 reachability testing

这里主要介绍一些,主流的DNS 国外主流DNS服务器IP[Global Public DNS Server] Google Public DNS Google 提供的公共免费 DNS,应该是最流行的 公共 DNS 了 IPv4 IPv6 2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844 Cloudflare DNS IP to Google Maps, Locate IP on Google Maps | IPVoid

2018-10-19 · 宽带症候群 - @Tumblr - 测试了几个 IPv6 的 DNS,感觉都不是太理想。那么,你在用的 IPv6 的 DNS 是哪几个?或者有没有推荐的 IPv6 DNS 呢?**P.S.** 所有感受和测试数据都基于我家的网络。

关于IPV6DNS,基本上IPV6是相当难封的,特别是 … 2018-7-15 · 全封当然是拨电源就可以了,但这不现实。基本可以确认,国外知名DNS全被拦截了。现在对IPV6主要是在DNS上,我用过很多方法,也用过很多网IPV6地址的DNS结果,这些DNS服务器所找不到google的ipv6地址。太假了。是暗协议,还是DNS拦截? Google Public DNS IP addresses - 云+社区 - 腾讯云